Bihar Floor Test Today Live Updates: The Assembly session began on Monday with Nitish Kumar’s government in Bihar facing a trust vote, two weeks after he jumped allegiance from the Mahagathbandhan (Grand Alliance) — a JD(U), RJD and Congress alliance — to the NDA bloc. Ahead of the vote, a no-confidence motion against Speaker Awadh Bihari Choudhary was taken up and passed by the Assembly, with 125 members voting in favour of the ouster
When the time comes, Tejaswi will come.”
Our father is Lalu ji and his blood is inside me. We are Lalu ji’s son, we are not nervous or afraid of all these things.
Bihar, a state with a rich historical and cultural heritage, is not just a land of ancient civilizations but also a political hotbed that plays a crucial role in shaping India’s political landscape. In this article, we delve into the current state of Bihar politics, examining key players, issues, and recent developments that define the political scenario in the state
क्या बात बात में हर बात में शर्मिंदा हो रागे है नितीश कुमार। लेकिन बेशर्म इंसान को शर्म कहा आएगी।#TejashwiYadav
— A.K. Stalin (@iamAKstalin) February 12, 2024
Bihar’s political landscape is characterized by a dynamic interplay of various political parties. The state has witnessed significant shifts in power dynamics, with parties like Janata Dal (United), Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and others vying for influence. The intricate caste equations, often integral to Bihar politics, continue to shape alliances and electoral outcomes Navigating Bihar Politics Today: A Comprehensive Overview